“We have all known the long loneliness and we have learned that the only solution is love and that love comes with community.”
Dorothy Day, The Long Loneliness, 1952
Street Talk is a counselling service for women trapped in street based prostitution, as well as women who have been the victims of trafficking. Our aim is to provide professional, specialist care to some of the most vulnerable and marginalised women on our streets.
The women we work with have grown up experiencing abuse and neglect; many have grown up in the state care system or in families who were not able to take care of them. When a woman experiences repeated abuse, her confidence and self-belief are diminished to such an extent that she may eventually believe that she deserves to be hurt. When a woman believes that she deserves to be hurt that makes her extremely vulnerable.
The first step in helping someone who has been repeatedly abused is to enable them to believe that they deserve better. The therapeutic services which Street Talk offers create positive relationships where a woman can encounter her own humanity and feel entitled to live safely and with dignity.
Evaluation of Street Talk by Revolving Doors
Dominic Williamson, chief executive at Revolving Doors said:
“The Street Talk service shows how, against the odds, services can reach out to some of the most excluded women in our society and offer them the psychological help they need. The stories that we heard were often extremely distressing. Many Street Talk clients have faced terribly traumatic events in their lives. We hope that this report will encourage others to join Street Talk in finding ways to support this group.”