2019, House Sparrow Press
Bekki Periman’s book which makes the connection between trauma and homelessness includes a chapter on the work of Street Talk and the therapy of presence.
Deeds Not Words
2018, Hodder & Stoughton
Helen Pankhurst’s overview of women’s rights one hundred years after some women were first given the vote refers to Street Talk’s fight for the rights of the most vulnerable women.
Working with vulnerable women with ‘dual diagnosis’
Street’s Talk’s work with women living with dual diagnosis was featured in the summer 2016 issue of QAADRANT, a Quaker addiction journal.
Rebuilding Shattered Lives
2014, St Mungo’s
Includes the work of Street Talk as an example of best practice in work with people with complex needs.
Evaluation by Revolving Doors
2014, Revolving Doors
Not Angry But Hurting
2019, Free Association Publishing
Explains therapy of presence , the model which has emerged from fourteen years of work with women with complex needs and makes the case for an inclusive therapeutic model.
The value of ‘bearing witness’ to desistance
2016, Probation Journal, open acess version
Dr Sarah Anderson’s paper refers to the value of bearing witness in the work of Street Talk. The paper was published in Probation Journal and won the prize for the best paper in 2016.
An Upward Spiral
2014, Therapy Today
Catherine Jackson’s paper refers to Street Talk’s work to engage women in Street Prostitution in therapy.