
We are delighted to announce that Street Talk therapist Amanda Chapman has been selected as a finalist for the Outstanding Contribution / Rebuilding Lives award at the 2021 Anti-Slavery Day Awards.
Amanda is a gifted therapist who works with infinite compassion and dedication, going far beyond expectations in the support and time she offers her clients. More than one of our women have told us that when they had given up hope, Amanda made them want to live again.
We are very grateful to the Human Trafficking Foundation for shortlisting Amanda and honouring the exceptional work she has done with Street Talk. The winner will be decided by a vote open to anyone working in the anti-slavery sector — if that’s you, please consider voting for Amanda via
We are thrilled to announce that Street Talk has been selected as the winner of the Centre for Social Justice’s Addiction Award.
All of us at Street Talk are honoured and encouraged to recieve this award and we’d like to offer a big thank you to the CSJ, Cathy Newman, the Alex & William de Winton Trust and the Telephraph.
It is moving that this award creates a link between the CSJ and some of the most marginalised women on the streets of our city.

We’re delighted to announce that Street Talk has received Special Commendation for Innovative Excellence from the British Psychoanalytic Council.
The award which celebrates “striking examples of ground-breaking work” was made as part of the Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Now 2017 conference in London.